Therapy Calgary Emotions Clinic
Psychologist & Therapist Services

You Deserve to Enjoy Your Life
Therapy Can Show You How

If you’re facing emotional challenges, relationship difficulties, mental health concerns, or major life changes, know that help is within reach. At Therapy Calgary Emotions Clinic, we give you the skills and support you need to rediscover joy and live a fuller life. Contact us today and begin your journey towards a brighter tomorrow.


Break Free From Overwhelming Emotions With Expert Counselling

Rod Mitchell, founder of Therapy Calgary Emotions Clinic, an experienced Registered Psychologist.

Welcome to Therapy Calgary Emotions Clinic, where your journey to emotional wellness begins. I'm Rod Mitchell, a Registered Psychologist with over a decade of experience in helping people overcome stress, anger, anxiety, and grief. If these emotions are weighing you down, know that I'm here to help.

My focus as a therapist is on creating real and lasting change, not just temporary relief. I use advanced techniques like EMDR to guide you towards deep self-understanding and transformative growth. Together, we will navigate your emotional landscape, set clear objectives, and empower you to feel strong and in control of your life.

Ready to break free from the emotions that have been holding you back? The first step is a free 20-minute consultation. Let's talk about how I can help you reclaim the life you deserve.

Therapy Services for Individuals & Families

Psychological Methods

Your Partner in Emotional Wellness

Seedling symbolizing growth and strength gained through counselling Calgary support.

From Coping to Thriving

Coping skills are just the starting point. With my multi-faceted approach, I transform challenging emotions into constructive forces, leading you to emotional freedom.

Magnifying glass focusing on the expertise that our therapy Calgary professionals offer.

Specialized Experience

I have over 10 years of therapy experience in the treatment of intense emotions, including an extensive period at a family violence agency.

Unique snowflake illustrating personalized therapist Calgary services.

Personalized Counselling

Your emotional landscape is one-of-a-kind, and your counselling should be too. I carefully match your needs with a customized treatment plan.

Handshake symbolizing a transparent client and therapist Calgary relationship.

Transparent Practice

Sessions with a therapist should never feel like a guessing game. We'll openly discuss risks, benefits, and alternatives, so that you're confidently steering your own therapy journey.

Calendar highlighting flexible counselling sessions available across Alberta.

Flexible Scheduling

Looking for counselling that fits your life? I offer flexible online therapy sessions across Alberta, with both evening and weekend sessions.

Pause button symbolizing quick emotional relief offered by an expert therapy support.

Immediate Relief

Embarking on the full journey to lasting inner peace is a process, but as your psychologist, I will provide immediate relief strategies.

Beyond the shadows, sunlight awaits.

It’s time to step into the brighter tomorrow you deserve.
